Wednesday 24 June 2009

Lady Diana

The wedding of Lady Diana and the Prince of Wales was the love story of the decade. But the seemingly-perfect fairy-tale was destined not to have a storybook ending. The marriage broke down in acrimony and with revelations of infidelity on both sides. The couple's separation and divorce seriously damaged the monarchy itself. For Diana it was a painful process which led to depression - for which she claimed she got no support from the royal family.

Just as it seemed that Diana, Princess of Wales, had found new love, she died in a car crash on Sunday, August 31, 1997. The Princess's new friend, Mr Dodi Fayed, and the driver of the car, died in the accident as well; a bodyguard was seriously injured

Business plan

1. What is the business

My business is going to be a clothes shop for children since I like shopping, and I adore children. I believe I have the potential to open my own business and provide services to companies such as TV programs, pageants, photo shooting, clothes modeling, acting, adverting, and many more that will be unique and different than current shopping in Lebanon and worldwide. I will be focusing on opening my business locally, and when I succeed I will expand it internationally.

2. Why is it different and exclusive?

My shop is going to be exclusive in many ways. The shop should be for babies aged 1hour to 10years, in the shop there will be clothes for girls and boys, there will be books to read, babysitters, a small coffee shop for babies and a place to play while parents are choosing clothes, also there will be huge screen we put on it picture of babies wearing clothes that they bought. Finally there will be a special carte for the shop when they buy more than 500$ they will have a 20% discount. And the special thing of my shop is I will make souvenir gifts to the ‘Bapteme’ and first communion, as chocolate, flowers, cake…without forgetting the gifts souvenir of the shop.

3. Researching and evaluating the business
I should have made a huge research, because there will have a competition between the


My shop should have a special style of clothes I have to follow the fashion and trying to

Be the first to bring it. I should follow the colors that attract children, games…

4. What risks am I Taking
My agency is challenging, there are a lot of people who wanted to open a business failed at it, and I know there is a risk of it not working, but me I am very confident that it will be a great success for I don’t have anything to lose, and I am not giving up anything, i think that I have to take a loan from the bank, around 100 000$. Because I have to do a design to the shop, buy clothes, than after few months I will make the coffee shop, and after a year I will start to do souvenir.

5. Structure of the business and it name

As for the structure of my business it will be a sole proprietorship, and as for its name it will be MY ANGEL.

6. Developing and hiring
I will be networking with friends, family, the professionals in my life to widen my network and to chose the best people for my team. I will need as opening the shop 2 ‘vendeuses’, than I will bring an animation, as micky for example he will sell chocolate…if my shop was having a good amount of money I will make it bigger.

Saturday 20 June 2009


“For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.”

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.


from this night
i believe that there is nothing called LOVE...

There is not one day, no not one that I don't wake up thanking God for what he has given me. Especially when I look at my growing children.I was witnessing to a middle aged female not to long ago and she stated to me that she believes we are living in hell. She also didn't believe in the same God I believed in, stating to me emphatically that if that is how God is "I don't want any part of him." Going back to my first couple of sentences I would be more inclined to believe we are in Heaven versus hell. However, I guess it depends on where your point of view comes from. If you believe that you are nothing, and that you deserve God's wrath; its safe to say that you have a high view of God, and great dose of thankfulness for your beating heart he allows to beat. If on the other hand, you don't see God as all controlling and all knowing, that there is no plan and we are "accidents", I can see why you would feel that we live in Hell.I don't see how anyone could imagine life as hell. I see too many wonderful things for this to be hell. My heart goes out to this lady I spoke with, she appears to have many good things going for her, but she is missing a reason for living. A reason to be who she is, and a reason to just be thankful. I think we all need to be thankful this morning for what we have. Look at the beautiful people around you. Each one in God's own image, yet each one so different. Look at the natural landscapes available as you travel to and from work today, and thank God for his beauty and existence he displays so freely. Encourage someone today, better yet, encourage someone you don't know, and make a difference for that one person today.Let me leave you with a little piece of God's beautiful creation today. The picture is of my almost 1 year old daughter named Chloe. I can clearly see God's beauty being displayed through her. Oh, I know I have it so easy, and my prayer is that at age 16 I will still "calmly", see God's beauty in her as she goes through those teenage years.Oh, by the way, I don't believe we are living in Heaven or hell, but we are living on the planet earth. One day, God will redeem his people and take us to that Celestial City, just like in Pilgrim's Progress. What a glorious day that will be. Posted by A Reformed Family Man